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Ford Driving Skills for Life is celebrating 16 years of its award-winning driver safety program. As Ford Driving Skills for Life turns “Sweet 16” – the traditional driving age across most of North America – its 2019 national tour will kick off at NRG Stadium in Houston.
Ford Motor Company Fund today announces plans for its new Ford Resource and Engagement Center Bangkok, which will serve as the new home for some of this city’s most innovative, environmentally conscious nongovernmental organizations.
Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) today highlighted its commitment to reinvent the future of mobility by transforming the company through operational fitness and allocating capital to high-growth and high-margin product segments and smart vehicles and services.
Ford Motor Company and Michigan State University have renewed and expanded their collaborative research alliance to enable further cooperation in a number of different fields – allowing the university to showcase its expertise and create new features for Ford customers.
Ford Motor Company today announced that Trevor Worthington has been appointed vice president, Global Product Development Operations & Vehicle Programs.
This week, Ford begins its renovation of 105-year-old Michigan Central Station in the historic Corktown neighborhood. In revitalizing this Detroit landmark into the centerpiece of a new campus, Ford seeks to shape the future of transportation.
Ford F-Series Pickups Produced a record nine straight months topping 70,000 trucks sold, but November U.S. sales at Ford Motor Company declined 6.9 percent.
After working collaboratively with the residents in Pittsburgh to identify transportation challenges and propose new ways to improve mobility in their communities, the City of Pittsburgh announces the winning pilot proposals for the Ford City of Tomorrow Challenge™.
More than 650,000 people in Southeast Michigan will face hunger this year, according to Gleaners Community Food Bank, and Ford Motor Company Fund and its nonprofit partners are once again teaming up to address food challenges this holiday season.
After working collaboratively with Ford Motor Company, AT&T, Dell Technologies and Microsoft, the City of Grand Rapids today announced the winning project in the Ford City of Tomorrow Challenge.™